Opinions of CAAN Board of Directors on Asian American Data Disaggregation

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    牛顿华人协会对亚裔细分问题的态度 (2-11-2018)
    Opinions of Chinese American Association of Newton on Asian American Data Disaggregation

    前言 – 牛顿华人协会是经过美国联邦政府审批的501c3类型的非盈利组织。联邦法明确规定了本组织参与政治包括立法活动在时间和经费上的局限。受时间限制,目前我们希望能协助协会的华人朋友对亚裔细分问题加深了解,努力求同存异,达到共识。下面是我们的初步观点。
    Introduction – Chinese American Association of Newton is a Federal 501c3 nonprofit organization. We are subject to restriction by the federal law and regulations in our involvement including time and financial expenditure in the political and legislative activities. We do hope to help our Chinese American associates and friends better understand issues regarding Asian American data disaggregation, to seek common ground while reserving the differences. The following are our opinions and services that we’d like to offer.

    1) We agree and support providing more resources and help to the disadvantaged Asian Americans.

    2) We do not think MA Bill H3361 will achieve the above objectives well by simply disaggregating Asian Americans by ethnic background. Instead, it will create more problems. Therefore, we do not agree and support H3361.

    We believe that the best approach to resolve disagreement is for organizations with different opinions to improve communication and have more discussion, and to seek more communication with state and local representatives involved, to develop more mutual understanding and reach common sense. We do not want to see breaking up and contention among the Chinese Americans, and between Chinese Americans and other Asian Americans, caused by the disagreement regarding the Asian American data disaggregation issues.
    Chinese American Association of Newton is willing to help provide a discussion forum for Chinese and Asian Americans in Newton and the Boston area, to further discuss above and related issues, as part of our mission to bring all of us together and uphold our rights in this great country.

    The Board of Directors, Chinese American Association of Newton

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