News of CAAN 2/6 Party – 牛顿华人协会二月六日聚会最新消息(包括新聚会地点)

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Newton Chinese American Association

(English version follows)




Lincoln Park Baptist Church1450 Washington Street, West Newton, MA 02465 

交通及停车注意事项:Washington St (也就是16号公路) 在进入林肯公园教会前是由西往东的单行道。这里的道路交叉转弯比较错综复杂,开车请小心慢行。

如果您从16号公路西面过来,停车最好是在林肯教会楼房西面的Perkins St.。 这条街是双行道,两边都可以停车。如果这条街停满了,可以往前左拐停在Winthrop St. 这条街同样也是双行道,两边同可以停车。注意这里都是居民住宿区,停车位不要给居民进出带来不便。

如果您从16号公路东面过来,您要顺着16号公路从Mass Pike 上面经过,然后右转停到Thomas Lyon Funeral Home 的停车场。停好车之后过马路请注意安全。











Please Note: Pre-registration is required to attend the party.

Dear Friends,

Since the announcement of our party, the number of people registered have far exceeded what the original meeting facility could hold. In order to let as many to come to the party as possible, the board and the event organizing committee members have explored the other options and we are happy to report that a new place has been found and reserved for our party on the February 6th. Here is the address and the parking information:

Lincoln Park Baptist Church1450 Washington Street, West Newton, MA 02465 

It is recommended to park on Perkins St. or Winthrop St. if coming from the west of Rte 16, and on the parking lot of Thomas Lyon Funeral Home if coming from the east. There is a map above for your reference. Please be considerate not to block the driveways etc. when you park in the residential area, and be careful if you need to walk across the streets.

It is likely that the new place is still not big enough for everyone who registered. So we encourage you to pay in advance via Paypal through the following link to secure your place. The fee is $10 each for adult and high school students, $5 for elementary and middle schoolers, and free for younger children. If you cook and bring suffice food for you and the group you registered, you can pay reduced fees of $5 for adult, $2 for students and seniors of 65 or older.

Pay in Advance (PayPal)】

If you are to pay on site, please bring exact change, to avoid problem you might encounter if there is a shortage of changes at the registration tables.

Since this is going to be a big party, we need volunteers to help with organization and onsite management. Please email us if you think you could help.

Please note that you are responsible to take good care of your children during the event so we will all have a safe and pleasant evening at the party.

So long. See you at the party and we wish you a happy Spring Festival in advance!

CAAN Event Committee
Board of Directors

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